Attack of the Puppet People – new RiffTrax VOD!

RiffTrax returns in tiny form with the new VOD, Attack of the Puppet People! Darn those puppet people and their constant attacks! Where is Jim Henson when you need him? So Attack of the Puppet People is a classic B-movie I saw long ago as a tiny person myself, though I was a child and not an adult shrunken down by a madman. It’s pretty much a big ball of corn, and will make a hilarious RiffTrax, which means it’s going to get bumped up on my list of RiffTrax VODs I need to get around to seeing someday. If you have free time because you aren’t constantly working/learning programming/writing for your website, grab Attack of the Puppet People today from, and let us know how awesome it is!

When a dollmaker’s wife leaves him, which of the following does he do? A) Reflects inward on his failed marriage, seizes the opportunity for self-improvement, starts working out, embraces meditation, and emerges a better man. B) Starts putting away a twelve pack before noon every day, eating week old Chinese takeout, and getting really into English Premier League soccer as a means of ignoring his sorrows. C) Starts shrinking people down into a collection of miniature doll-people for no real reason.

If you guessed C, then congratulations, you’re clearly a madman bent on ill-fated schemes of varying degrees of lunacy. And no you can’t borrow our shrinking ray.

Attack of the Puppet People tells the story of such a madman, and the unfortunate woman who stumbles across his scheme while working as a secretary at his doll factory. That’s right, he makes dolls, and turns people into dolls, and dolls are probably found in a section of the toy store close to puppets, hence: Attack of the Puppet People. There is a puppet show in the movie, but it isn’t a result of the madman. It’s the result of another madman, it supposedly played on Broadway, and you will not believe your eyes when you see it.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Attack of the Puppet People, classic 60s B movie cheese that is almost as scary as that Roberto Benigni version of Pinocchio!

RiffTrax attack of the puppet people

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