TarsTarkas.NET in 2010

Potato Judge

So 2009 was a big year for TarsTarkas.NET. Our readership tripled, the Blog took off with the Wingnut Web feature that ballooned to pretty much taking over the blog itself, we got mentioned in Chicago newspaper websites when we helped take down chicagolady/Rosanna Pulido in a special election, and we were joined by two additional writers, skiplogic and dm, who have brought a lot of cool articles and interesting (and sometimes really depressing) information to the table.

But we are just getting started…

2010 is an election year, and a year where tons of teabagger candidates are running for office while standing behind the awful things they say 100% (despite many doing the opposite of what they preach! But that’s standard practice among conservatives.) Plenty of third party candidates are also running around, many of which are regular commentors on the message boards we monitor. There will be staff members, if not actual Republican candidates, posting on some of these far right sites, and TarsTarkas.NET will be there to catch them if they are spouting hateful rhetoric. And, yes, if a Democratic candidate is absolutely awful, we will make fun of him as well (we’re talking about you, Reid and Spector!)

As the 2010 election closes in, the message boards and sites of the right will become more and more loud and obnoxious as they smell blood in the water. They will start turning on each other if certain pet candidates are slighted, and they will realize the only way they will get noticed is if they are the nastiest, sleaziest right wing sites out there. Thus, we’ll get entertainment pointing out how horrible they are and follow the stories of the various hate sites arguing with each other.

If things work okay, we should also have a few webtools to help with the tracking and mapping of fringe sites, and the tracking of mercenary news. We might also have a way for our readers to help report horrible messages written on boards and blogs and youtubes, if I can figure out a way to do it without getting spammed like crazy.

What else is in store for 2010? Hopefully we’ll have a new blog theme. Atahualpa is nice, but as the blog is evolving into two channels, it needs a theme that can handle two channels and allow audiences who are only interested in one side to follow without getting turned off by the other. I have a few potentials, but this might take a few months if I can’t find exactly what I am looking for (I can be stupid picky about things…)

We will still be reviewing films throughout 2010, complete with some of the most obscure things to come out of Taiwan, Japan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, America, Mexico, Turkey, and other countries. We got more Hidden Frontier on the way. We’ll have upcoming cult movie news, and a few side articles about some of the films we’ve done already. The annual March of Godzilla will have to be delayed due to most of my discs being in storage, but the moment I get them out Godzilla will stomp around again.

Hey, I managed to get this written before January was over!

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