Five Flavored Death Bowl!

Five Flavor Death Bowl General Mills Count Chocula Frute Brute Yummy Mummy Franken Berry Boo
[adrotate banner=”1″]What happens when you buy all five of the General Mills Monsters cereals, and mix them together in one bowl? You get the above, which I have dubbed the Five Flavored Death Bowl! I do not know or care if someone else has named this already.

The reissue every Halloween season of the Monsters cereals – Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry, was made special this year by the return of Yummy Mummy – a cereal I remember only because I liked it but barely had it, and Frute Brute, a cereal so old I don’t even remember it from childhood (under the name Fruit Brute, the slight respelling is because you can’t sell food with the word “fruit” in the name if it doesn’t have any fruit!)

Frute Brute’s cherry flavor was an interesting failure, as by now that taste has unfortunately been relegated in my mind for terrible medicine. Count Chocula is obviously chocolate flavored, with Boo Berry blue berry. Franken Berry is straw berry, and the not obviously named Yummy Mummy is orange cream flavor. Put them all together, and you basically get chocolate-flavored fruit mix. The result wasn’t that bad, but the Five Flavored Death Bowl is not the greatest of flavors. These things are separate for a reason! The effects could probably be replicated by combining Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles together (which I’ve also done as a kid!)

For the record, the milk turned an odd gray color, and tasted like fruity chocolate milk.

The name Five Flavored Death Bowl comes from the diabetes that this dish has probably triggered in me! Luckily, I have been cutting my sugar intake, which is almost impossible due to American food being stuffed to the gills with sugar. There is probably less sugar in raw sugar than in American food!

At least I got cereal for the next three months…

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